

Thanks to our experience, we are able to work with customers both in Italy and in Europe, by means of the best national and international couriers and we can guarantee the delivery of the work in the shortest possible time and with the maximum safety for the work.
storage material
goods storage
delivery by international couries

COPISTAMPA S.r.l. Via G. Birago, 5 20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) - Italy
Tel. 02. 22477 398 - 02. 2428 870 Fax 02. 2620 861 e-mail:
P.I.IT00736460965 Ufficio del Registro delle Imprese di Milano - c.f. 02641560152 Iscritta al Tribunale di Monza al n.:39402 Capitale Sociale interamente versato: € 10.400,00

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